
Η αξία της Αρχαίας Σπάρτης και η κατανόση της Αρχαιότητας

ENGLISH VERSION   The historiography of classical Greece has been dominated by the dipole between Sparta and Athens. In particular, the oligarchic Sparta and the democratic Athens. Militarized Sparta and cultural Athens. And other such nice adjectives. But the prevalence of this dipole has created significant problems in the understanding...


Αθλητικές εργασιακές συνθήκες¨ Ευρωπη και ΗΠΑ¨

ENLGISH VERSION In the Bengals-Bills game, defender Damar Hamlin collapsed on the field after suffering a heart attack. Fortunately, he was immediately taken to the hospital and over the past few days seems to have made significant progress. The game was postponed and the NFL recently announced that it would not be resumed. This is in huge contrast...

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