
The freedom of loving the world

 It is crazy how ten months had passed just like that. How it was time for him to get inside that cold airplane again, but this time, for good. His hand was placed on the handrail,but his legs were completely paralyzed. Ben from 304 days ago, would have been the happiest man on earth-he wanted to go back so bad. He had a calendar counting down the days for his return, but he stopped updating it after his second month there. What happened to him? Home didn’t feel like home anymore, at least not his only one. No! He could not be thinking of those things…He loved his family, he missed his friends,thoughhe felt like he had somehowbetrayed them. If they knew, if they found out that he, their son, their little boy had been holding hands with another boy, what would they say? If somebody told them how much his views of the world had changed, what would they think? He was so differentbut so himself at the same time. That journey of self-discovery and acceptance, the bad moments that felt like the world when they really weren’t. The world! He had seen such a small and yet such a large part of it. A feeling of wisdom had nowengulfed him. It was not superiority, it had nothing to do with that. Suddenly, he felt like he could make an impact. It was the first time that hisdesire to change the people around himdidn’tspring from some deep selfishsentiment, but from his wish for them to feel the freedom he was feeling. The freedom of loving the world. “Sir, could you please move?”. He looked up at the ramp and with a smirk on his face, he embarked.

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